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Imperia holiday rentals
Guest reviews for rentals in Imperia
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71 reviews - Page 1/4
Stephane G, 03/10/2022
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Very pleasant location in a quiet setting in a natural setting between sea and countryside which benefits from all the amenities. The bungalow is very well equipped with a breathtaking view with very benevolent owners towards their guests as well as their canine companion and this in all discretion, which greatly contributes to the success of the stay and we thank them for it.
Location très agréable au calme dans un écrin de nature entre mer et campagne qui bénéficie de toutes les commodités. Le bungalow est très bien équipé avec une vue imprenable avec des propriétaires très bienveillant auprès de leurs hôtes ainsi que de leur compagnon canin et cela en toute discrétion, ce qui participe grandement à la réussite du séjour et on les en remercie.

Cabin Imperia 2 to 6 people
Rental Imperia, to approx. 3.1 mi from Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Concetta V, 10/08/2020
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Welcoming and strategic position, practically on the sea and at the same time well served.
Accogliente e posizione strategica, praticamente sul mare ed allo stesso tempo ben servita.

Apartment Imperia 1 to 6 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Arlette C, 12/12/2019
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I spent 15 very pleasant days at the top of the Artallo district in Imperia!
Yes you must deserve it if you are on foot, this pretty high point among the vineyards overlooking the sea and its beautiful sunrise!
Very nice welcome from Stefania and very nice visits to Porto Maurizio or Oneglia without forgetting the surroundings that you can reach on foot, by bike, by bus or by train if you are without a car!
I also enjoyed the beautiful festival of the new olive!
J'ai passé 15 jours très agréables au sommet du quartier d'Artallo à Imperia ! Oui il faut le mériter si l'on est à pied, ce joli point haut au milieu des vignes avec vue sur la mer et ses magnifiques lever de soleil ! Accueil très agréable de Stefania et très belles visites à Porto Maurizio ou Oneglia sans oublier les alentours que vous pouvez rejoindre à pied, en vélo, en bus ou en train si vous êtes sans voiture ! J'ai profité aussi de la belle fête de l'olive nouvelle !

Villa apartment Imperia 4 to 6 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Morena P, 16/09/2019
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Splendid house with all the comforts with sea view, immersed in a wonderful vineyard. Very quiet area located in the hills, to reach the sea you need a car. Owners on the spot, very kind and very discreet. Nearby, enchanting places to visit and not far from the marvelous Côte d'Azur. Take this opportunity to greet Stefania and Marino who gave us the opportunity to spend a fantastic holiday :) Thank you very much
Splendida casa dotata di tutti i comfort con vista mare, immersa in un meraviglioso vigneto. Zona tranquillissima situata in collina, per raggiungere il mare è necessario avere l'auto. Proprietari sul posto, gentilissimi e molto discreti. Nelle vicinanze luoghi incantevoli da visitare e non distante anche la meravigliosa Costa Azzurra. Approfitto per salutare Stefania e Marino che ci hanno dato la possibilità di trascorrere una fantastica vacanza :) Grazie di cuore

Villa apartment Imperia 4 to 6 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Veronica Z, 24/09/2018
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The studio is small, but comfortable and well equipped.
Me, my husband and my daughter spent a pleasant stay. The location is very close to the sandy beach and to the typical restaurants and we also happened to attend the event "Vintage Sails " characterized by the presence of many historic boats. Interesting!
Il monolocale è piccolo, ma confortevole e ben attrezzato. Io, mio marito e la mia bambina abbiamo trascorso un piacevole soggiorno. La posizione è vicinissima alla spiaggia di sabbia ed ai ristoranti tipici e ci è capitato anche di assistere alla manifestazione "Vele d'epoca" caratterizzata dalla presenza di moltissime barche storiche. Interessante!

Studio Imperia 1 to 3 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Cancellieri F, 01/09/2018
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Small but useful apartment for beach holidays, 50 steps from the first beach.
Very nice place.
The staff very kind.
Really well located.
To redo .
Ideal for a family of 3, including children.
Appartamento piccolo ma utile per le vacanze al mare , a 50 passi dalla prima spiaggia. Posto molto bello . Il personale molto gentile . Veramente situato bene. Da rifare . Ideale per famiglia di 3 persone , compreso bimbo.

Studio Imperia 1 to 3 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Dominique D, 22/10/2017
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Very nice quiet rental, friendly owners and a beautiful area (to recommend)
Très belle location au calme ,propriétaires accueillants et une région magnifique (à recommander)

Villa apartment Imperia 4 to 6 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Nicola L, 09/08/2017
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Very pleased with this house: upon arrival we entered a gate and discovered a little paradise, nice welcome of the owners and presentations; The property is located in the middle of 6000 m2 of vineyards, in calm and serenity. To recommend people who love the tranquility ...
Molto contento di questa casa: all'arrivo siamo entrati di un cancello e abbiamo scoperto un piccolo paradiso, bell'accoglienza dei proprietari e presentazioni; la proprietà si trova in mezzo a 6000 m2 di vigne , nella calma e serenità. Da raccomandare a persone che amano la tranquillità ...

Villa apartment Imperia 4 to 6 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Elisabetta T, 16/07/2017
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Lovely and cozy home, too many stairs but convenient to beaches and services. Friendly and always available owners. For a holiday I would go back
Casa particolare e simpatica, troppe scale ma comoda alle spiagge e ai servizi. Proprietari gentilissimi e sempre disponibili. Per una vacanza ci tornerei

Apartment Imperia 1 to 6 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Marianna B, 28/08/2016
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It is a very cozy home and the owners are very kind and courteous.
From the apartment you can see the sea and this is a very positive thing and is just a few steps from the sea
È una casa molto accogliente e i proprietari sono molto gentili e cortesi . Dall'appartamento si vede il mare e questa è una cosa molto positiva e si trova a pochissimi passi dal mare

Apartment Imperia 1 to 6 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Fp V, 25/07/2016
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Stunning 230m altitude bungalow accessed via a winding mountain road from Imperia. Very quiet location. Fine beaches with parking at about 7km away.
Very friendly and helpful owner. And especially for the dog lover: Friendly large mongrel dog is included in the price. Authentic village Civezza 1 km walk away.
Bungalow here and there little maintenance. All in all, surely a must.

Schitterend op 230m hoogte gelegen bungalow, te bereiken via een kronkelende bergweg vanuit Imperia. Zeer rustige ligging. Fijne stranden met parkeergelegenheid op ca 7km afstand. Zeer vriendelijke en behulpzame verhuurder. En speciaal voor de hondenliefhebber: Vriendelijke grote bastaardhond is bij de prijs inbegrepen. Authenthiek dorpje Civezza op 1 km loopafstand. Bungalow heeft hier en daar klein achterstallig onderhoud. Al met al, toch wel een aanrader.

Cabin Imperia 2 to 6 people
Rental Imperia, to approx. 3.1 mi from Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Giovanna S, 14/07/2016
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Excellent apartment. Nice view. utmost cordiality owners. But to move better to have a scooter or a mountain bike.
Ottimo appartamento. Bella vista. Proprietari massima cordialità. Però per spostarsi meglio avere uno scooter o una mountain-bike .

Villa apartment Imperia 4 to 6 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Lauro V, 23/06/2015
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Holiday home very pretty and comfortable with every need, located in a strategic area, close to the sandy beach, also close to the train station, owner very nice and helpful for us was perfect voting 10. Thanks
Casa vacanze molto carina e confortevole dotata di ogni fabbisogno, situata in zona strategica, vicinissima alla spiaggia di sabbia fine, vicina anche alla stazione ferroviaria, proprietaria simpaticissima e disponibile per noi era perfetta voto 10. Grazie

Studio Imperia 1 to 3 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Marine F, 20/11/2014
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Owners very friendly, very nice apartment in a beautiful, quiet. I recommend!
Propriétaires très sympathiques, appartement tres agréable dans un cadre magnifique, au calme. Je recommande !

Villa apartment Imperia 4 to 6 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Andrea B, 27/08/2014
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Perfect spot for lovers of nature and tranquility. House reflects very well the description and photos of 'Ad.
Owners lovely people available and at the same time not overpowering.
Dog owners of a show cuddly.
Posto perfetto per gli amanti della natura e tranquillità. Casa rispecchia benissimo la descrizione e le foto dell' annuncio. Proprietari persone squisite disponibili e nello stesso tempo non invadenti. Cani dei propietari uno spettacolo coccolosi.

Cabin Imperia 2 to 6 people
Rental Imperia, to approx. 3.1 mi from Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Alain V, 07/01/2014
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We were greeted by the owners who are a lovely couple. The place was removed from the city without being far from the beaches, very quiet.
The bungalow was consistent with the ad.
We would have liked the presence of a microwave oven, but we're easily passed.
Address recommended.
Nous avons été reçus par les propriétaires qui sont un couple charmant. L'endroit était retiré de la ville sans être loin des plages, donc très calme. Le bungalow était conforme à l'annonce. Nous aurions souhaité la présence d'un four micro-ondes, mais nous nous en sommes facilement passé. Adresse à recommander.

Cabin Imperia 2 to 6 people
Rental Imperia, to approx. 3.1 mi from Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Marinella M, 19/01/2013
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House small but cozy, quiet, great location for walks and to the beach.
Abitazione piccola ma accogliente, silenziosa, ottima posizione per le passeggiate e per raggiungere la spiaggia.

Studio Imperia 1 to 3 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Rosanna D, 22/07/2012
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The house 'little girl, I knew, comfortable and enjoys a strategic location, with a little' luck you can park your car in the village marina.
La casa e' piccolina, lo sapevo, confortevole e gode di una posizione strategica, con un po' di fortuna si riesce a parcheggiare la macchina nel borgo marina.

Studio Imperia 1 to 3 people
Rental Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Roberta C, 30/05/2011
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The hosts are very kind and helpful, the house and 'delicious, the advice in particular to people who really love the contact with nature and seek a haven of tranquility.
I padroni di casa sono persone molto disponibili e gentili, la casa e' deliziosa, la consiglio in particolare a persone che veramente amino il contatto con la natura e cerchino un oasi di tranquillità.

Cabin Imperia 2 to 6 people
Rental Imperia, to approx. 3.1 mi from Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
Federico C, 26/11/2010
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The owners were very nice and friendly but most available when seeking to solve some problems that have occurred for reasons related to adverse weather conditions: replace supplies are exhausted after the first day of your stay, prepare the premises for our arrival allowing us to respect the schedules and needs of our child to only one year. Their pets are gentle and respectful. The only downside is that to go to the beach you have to drive along for a quarter of an hour a road not suitable for the less experienced deep-sea circulation from the narrow track. On the other hand in case of very hot summer the area is cool and breezy.
I proprietari sono stati molto simpatici e cordiali ma soprattutto disponibili nell'adoperarsi per risolvere alcuni inconvenienti occorsi per cause legate alle condizioni meteo avverse: sostituire materiali di consumo che sono esauriti dopo il primo giorno di soggiorno, preparare i locali per il nostro arrivo consentendoci di rispettare gli orari e le esigenze della nostra bambina di solo un anno. I loro animali di compagnia sono mansueti e rispettosi. L'unica pecca è che per andare al mare bisogna prendere la macchina percorrendo per un quarto d'ora una strada poco adatta ai meno esperti di circolazione d'altura dalla carreggiata stretta. Dal canto suo in caso di gran caldo estivo la zona rimane fresca e ventilata.

Cabin Imperia 2 to 6 people
Rental Imperia, to approx. 3.1 mi from Imperia - Imperia Province - Liguria
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71 reviews - Page 1/4