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Olbia holiday rentals houses
Guest reviews for rentals in Olbia
16 reviews - Page 1/1
John A, 02/08/2024
We had a fantastic stay. The house was bigger than expected and above all very clean. The air conditioning works very well. In the garden with dining table you have privacy because the road at the entrance to the garden is a much lower level and on the sides the hedge is thick and high enough. There are 2 bathrooms, 1 on the first floor and 1 in the basement, both with toilet and another toilet on the ground floor. The small balcony by the first-floor bedroom overlooking the sea is nice, but can only accommodate 2 people. The owner Gianluca lives 2 houses away. He is also easy to reach via WhatsApp, responding quickly to questions. The location is great. In 1 minute you walk to the beach spiaggia del Pellicano. The first beach has slightly coarser sand and there is a bar. The other beach, spiaggia Mare Rocce can be reached via the first beach. Here the sand is fine and slopes very slowly. It will be about a 5-minute walk. There is a bar here too and also boat rental which we have had good experience with. Not expensive and they don't try to scam you with extra charges when returning the boat as you often hear with boat rental companies. There are 2 more beaches nearby, but we didn't go there. Large supermarket Euro spin 8 min drive away. A smaller one is in the village itself. The city of Olbia can be reached in 10 minutes, but that depends on where you want to park. The airport is about 20 minutes away from the accommodation. Golfi Aranci is also nice for a visit, 12 minutes away. Thanks Gianluca, for the pleasant stay. Tip, always have some cleaning products ready, especially if guests stay longer.

Villa Olbia 1 to 6 people
Rental Olbia, to approx. 3.1 mi from Olbia - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Eleonora D, 07/09/2024
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The house is very beautiful and equipped with all comforts, faithful to the description, both the lady who welcomed us and the owners are very kind and helpful people, I highly recommend it!
La casa molto bella e dotata di tutti i confort, fedele alla descrizione, sia la signora che ci accolto che i proprietari sono persone gentilissime e disponibili, consiglio vivamente!
Mara A, 12/08/2023
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The house is near the third beach. The kitchen is very equipped with a new dishwasher and a large fridge. In the upper bedrooms, air conditioning and large wardrobes. The living room is comfortable and spacious.
The upper bathroom needs a makeover.
The owner is a very helpful and kind person.
I recommend it.

La casa è vicino alla terza spiaggia. La cucina molto accessoriata con lavastoviglie nuova e un frigo capiente. Nelle camere superiori aria condizionata e armadi capienti. Il salotto bello comodo e spazioso. Il bagno superiore avrebbe bisogno una ristrutturazione. Il proprietario una persona molto disponibile a modo e gentile. La consiglio.
Alessandra G, 11/08/2023
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I was in this house with another family of our friends from 16 to 30 July. We were 4 and they were 5.
The house is large and spacious and gave each family privacy.
Well equipped kitchen (with dishwasher!), comfortable veranda for eating, large rooms (I would only change the mattresses).
We had 2 bathrooms (therefore 1 per family), but with 5 kids at home.... the third outdoor shower was very useful!
Thanks to the table football, the kids had a lot of fun and for those who love to read .... there is plenty of choice!
From the terrace on the first floor in the morning you can see a splendid sunrise.
We only turned on the air conditioning / fan at night.
The owner was really courteous and always available and I apologize again for the inconvenience I had with the garden umbrella.
The location is convenient to get to the beach (which is really beautiful). It takes a little longer to get to the center, but you can easily get there on foot. Anyway, nearby there is a deli/bakery, a pastry shop/bar and some restaurants.
In the area there are beautiful beaches that can be reached by car in a few minutes and for those who lovewalking / running you can also walk to the splendid Cala Moresca. In Golfo Aranci we also rented a dinghy to visit nearby Tavolara (wow!!)
It was a fantastic vacation and I recommend this location!!
Sono stata in questa casa con un'altra famiglia di ns amici dal 16 al 30 Luglio. Noi eravamo in 4 e loro in 5. La casa è grande e spaziosa e ha dato ad ogni famiglia la giusta privacy. Cucina ben attrezzata (con lavastoviglie!), veranda comoda per mangiare, camere ampie (cambierei solo i materassi). Avevamo 2 bagni (quindi 1 per famiglia), ma con 5 ragazzi per casa.... la terza doccia esterna è stata utilissima! Grazie al bigliardino i ragazzi si sono divertiti tantissimo e per chi ama leggere.... c'è l'imbarazzo della scelta! Dal terrazzo al primo piano la mattina si vede una splendida alba. L'aria condizionata/ventilatore li abbiamo accesi solo la notte. Il proprietario è stato davvero cortese e sempre disponibile e chiedo ancora scusa per l'inconveniente avuto con l'ombrellone del giardino. La posizione è comoda per arrivare alla spiaggia (che è davvero bella) . Per il centro ci vuole un po' di più, ma si può arrivare tranquillamente con una passeggiata a piedi. Cmq vicino c'è una gastronomia/panetteria, una pasticceria/bar e dei ristoranti. In zona ci sono spiagge bellissime raggiungibili con la macchina in pochi minuti e per chi ama camminare/correre si può arrivare anche a piedi alla splendida Cala Moresca. A Golfo Aranci abbiamo affittato anche un gommone per visitare la vicina Tavolara (wow!!) E' stata una vacanza fantastica e consiglio questa location!!
Marta Elena P, 19/08/2022
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We stayed as a family with children, 15 days in July, and we had a great time right away. The house as described, 4 comfortable bedrooms, with everything you need for anything, vacuum cleaner, washing machine, dishwasher, drinking water, coffee maker, fans, ceiling fans, iron, games, books, movies ...
A 5 minute walk from a wonderful beach (third beach Golfo Aranci), it is just a few kilometers by car from many other spectacular beaches. Easy parking in the front door. Restaurants, pastry shops, playgrounds and shops very close on foot. Very kind and helpful owner.
I highly recommend it for families looking for relaxation, a very quiet area, but with all the amenities within walking distance.
Abbiamo soggiornato in famiglia con bambini, 15 giorni in luglio, e ci siamo trovato benissimo da subito. La casa come da descrizione, 4 camere da letto confortevoli, con tutto l'occorrente per qualsiasi cosa, aspirapolvere, lavatrice, lavastoviglie, acqua potabile, macchinetta per il caffè, ventilatori, ventilatori nel soffitto, ferro da stiro, giochi, libri, film... A 5 minuti a piedi da una spiaggia meravigliosa ( terza spiaggia golfo Aranci), è a pochissimi kilometri in macchina di altre tante spiagge spettacolari. Parcheggio facile nella porta di casa. Ristoranti, pasticcerie, parco giocchi e negozi vicinissimi a piedi. Propietario molto gentile e disponibile. La consiglio vivamente per famiglie che cercano relax, zona molto tranquilla, ma con tutte le comodità a tre passi.
Lisa M, 20/07/2022
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Beautiful location, large house with all services
Bella posizione, casa grande con tutti i servizi
Luisa C, 18/07/2022
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Very clean, and functional house. in a strategic position from the beach and the town. Furnished with everything you need. It has a veranda and patio where to dine and, above all, a nice large fridge freezer, the DISHWASHER and the washing machine that make the difference from other houses.
What is missing are mosquito nets but to be honest there aren't many mosquitoes. We solved with the coils.
Thanks to Mrs. Agnese (the owner) for the correct and truthful information and to Mrs. Nella who gave us the keys on the spot and who made us find the house and the clean and fragrant linen.
Casa molto pulita, e funzionale. in posizione strategica dalla spiaggia e dal paese . Arredata con tutto il necessario. Ha la veranda e il patio dove cenare e, soprattutto, un bel frigo congelatore grande, la LAVASTOVIGLIE e la lavatrice che fanno la differenza da altre case. Quello che manca sono le zanzariere ma ad onor del vero non ci sono molte zanzare. Abbiamo risolto con gli zampironi. Grazie alla signora Agnese (la proprietaria ) per le informazioni corrette e veritiere e alla signora Nella che ci ha consegnato le chiavi in loco e che ci ha fatto trovare la casa e la biancheria pulita e profumata.
Antonio O, 10/09/2021
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We rented the house in five with two dogs, very spacious and with almost all the necessary supplies for a stay, the strong point is the location, very central and 5 minutes walk from the beach. Mrs N, very kind, made us find the house clean and tidy and assisted us when we needed it. Definitely a stay to be repeated!
Abbiamo affittato la casa in cinque con due cani, molto spaziosa e con quasi tutte le forniture necessarie per un soggiorno, il punto di forza è la posizione, centralissima e a 5 minuti a piedi dalla spiaggia. La signora N, gentilissima, ci ha fatto trovare la casa pulita e ordinata e ci ha assistito quando ne abbiamo avuto bisogno. Sicuramente un soggiorno da ripetere!
Michela G, 04/09/2020
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Excellent location, practically on the sea and a short walk from the center of Golfo Aranci. We were very happy even if there was a small technical problem, but it was solved immediately by the owner. The house needs some maintenance but overall I would really recommend it!
Ottima posizione, praticamente sul mare e a pochi passi dal centro di Golfo Aranci. Ci siamo trovato molto bene anche se c’è stato un piccolo problema tecnico, ma risolto immediatamente dal proprietario. La casa avrebbe bisogno di qualche manutenzione ma nel complesso la consiglierei veramente!
Jean Pierre H, 18/10/2018
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Villa comfortable, well equipped with magnificent views of the Golf Porto ARANCI
Villa tout confort, bien équipée avec magnifique vue sur le Golf Porto ARANCI
Francesca M, 25/07/2016
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Immersed in the green a few steps from the beach with private parking.
If you want a family solution unpretentious luxury but with all that is needed is perfect. I have been there a week, eight months pregnant with my mother. Cool and quiet with no screens on the windows and a veranda where you dine alfresco. We we're fine.
Immersa nel verde a pochi passi dalla spiaggia con parcheggio privato. Se si vuole una soluzione familiare senza pretese di lusso ma con tutto quello che serve è perfetta. Io ci sono stata una settimana all'ottavo mese di gravidanza insieme a mia madre. Fresca e silenziosa con le zanzariere alle finestre e una veranda dove pranzare e cenare al fresco. Ci siamo trovate bene.
Biava G, 01/08/2015
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We went back for the second year in a row and this means that everything was ok and as described in the listing.
(The only flaw, as previously, the small kitchenette present in these homes, as the ability to accommodate up to 10 people, how many were we).
Ci siamo tornati per il secondo anno di fila e questo significa che era tutto ok e come descritto nell'inserzione. (Unica pecca, come precedentemente, il piccolo cucinino presente in queste case, visto la possibilità di ospitare fino a 10 persone, quanti eravamo noi).
Olivier D, 07/08/2014
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Satisfied with this rental for 4 adults and 3 children. This house matches the description, very well equipped kitchen and very clean. Grocery, bakery and fruit nearby, less than 200 meters. Great place to visit the north of Sardinia.
Satisfait de cette location pour 4 adultes et 3 enfants. Cette maison correspond bien au descriptif , très bien équipée en cuisine et très propre. Epiceries, boulangerie et fruitier à proximité, moins de 200 mètres. Endroit idéal pour visiter le nord de la Sardaigne.
Claudia V, 24/06/2014
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For 6 people, great accommodation. Absolutely clean and self-catering everything was there. We have felt ourselves very well. Again at any time.
Für 6 Personen eine hervorragende Unterkunft. Absolut sauber und zur Selbstversorgung war alles da. Wir haben uns sehr wohlgefühlt. Jederzeit wieder.
Anne-Marie S, 23/10/2011
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Quiet, beautiful home and wonderful beaches if one takes the trouble to move his car. Crystal clear waters of Cala Sabina. Dream eyes!
Endroit calme, maison magnifique et des plages de rêve si on prend la peine de bouger avec sa voiture. Eaux cristallines à la Cala Sabina. Du rêve plein les yeux !
Maria Stella V, 21/08/2010
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Comfortable, beautiful garden and great considering the season. friendly owner and friendliest. the house is on the main street of orange Gulf ... assure you ... the experience with
Confortevole, bellissimo il giardino e ottimo considerando la stagione. il proprietario è gentile e disponibilissimo. la casa è sulla via principale di golfo aranci...assicuro...esperienza da vivere
16 reviews - Page 1/1