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Scarlino sea view holiday rentals
Guest reviews for rentals in Scarlino
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26 reviews - Page 1/2
Jana M, 07/08/2024
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Really great accommodation with a very nice landlady! Great furnishings. Everything you need is there! Very nicely located with a view of the sea. Beautiful garden with a clean whirlpool. Beaches and a great lake can be reached in about 30 minutes. We definitely recommend the accommodation! I
Ganz tolle Unterkunft mit einer sehr lieben Vermieterin! Toll eingerichtet. Alles da was man braucht! Sehr schön gelegen mit Aussicht aufs Meer. Schöner Garten mit sauberem Wirlpool. Strände und ein toller See in ca 30 min zu erreichen. Wir empfehlen die Unterkunft auf jedem Fall weiter! I

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Veronica U, 07/09/2023
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Mrs. Isolina is very kind and attentive to every need even beyond what is necessary.... He is truly hospitable and gives suggestions for visiting the wonderful surroundings of the area.
La signora Isolina è molto gentile ed attenta ad ogni esigenza anche oltre il dovuto…. È veramente ospitale e da suggerimenti per visitare i dintorni meravigliosi della zona.

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Lara P, 21/08/2023
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All positive very nice house and impeccable cleanliness ... the wonderful cool place in the middle of the hill but also a 10-minute drive from the beach. Signora Isolina and her very kind daughter welcomed and pampered us throughout the holiday. Highly recommended.
Tutto positivo casa molto bella e pulizia posto meraviglioso fresco in mezzo alla collina ma anche a 10 minuti di auto dalla spiaggia. Signora Isolina e figlia gentilissime ci hanno accolto e coccolato per tutta la vacanza. Consigliatissimo.

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO , to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Eric E, 31/07/2022
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Housing well located, fully consistent with the description, that is to say extremely well equipped (only the dishwasher is missing), with a magnificent garden, a large terrace; extremely warm welcome. I recommend !
Logement bien situé, entièrement conforme à la description, c'est à dire extrêmement bien équipé (il ne manque que le lave vaisselle), avec un magnifique jardin, une grande terrasse; accueil extrêmement chaleureux. Je recommande !

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Limonta I, 03/07/2021
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Owner and 'the top .... the house is nice clean ... and as in the photo ... I would go back to have other holidays
Proprietaria e' il casa è bella pulita...e come da foto...avere altre ferie ci ritornerei

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 3 people
Rental Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Giuseppa L, 22/07/2019
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Very comfortable apartment in a tranquil setting with a beautiful view. The owner is very welcoming, discreet but ready to intervene for any need. Beautiful green space with Jacuzzi and sunbeds, to spend a few hours relaxing.
It's definitely a place to come back to!
Appartamento molto confortevole in contesto tranquillo e con bellissima vista. La proprietaria è molto accogliente, discreta ma pronta ad intervenire per qualunque necessità. Bellissimo lo spazio verde con vasca idromassaggio e lettini, per trascorrere qualche ora in relax. E' sicuramente un posto in cui tornare!

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO , to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Marina S, 24/07/2018
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Beautiful apartment overlooking the sea very nice and with everything you need. The owner present on site very kind and helpful. I advise. Bella also the jacuzzi.
Bellissimo appartamento con vista sul mare molto curato e con tutto il necessario. La proprietaria presente in loco molto gentile e disponibile. Lo consiglio. Bella anche la vasca idromassaggio .

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Anne G, 24/09/2016
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Our holiday exceeded our expectations. We were very impressed by the beautiful apartment and the friendly landlady.
Unsere Ferienunterkunft hat unsere Erwartungen übertroffen. Wir waren sehr angetan von der schönen Wohnung und der freundlichen Vermieterin.

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO , to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Chiara B, 27/08/2015
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Fantastic holiday! my whole family was happy to part my eldest son who unfortunately could not play pool but was dreamy table tennis ...
The only flaw is that the area 167 of Scarlino is purely residential so for anything necessary to get the car but otherwise we have a lot of fun!
hope to be back next August ...
Vacanza Fantastica! tutta la mia famiglia è stata contenta a parte mio figlio maggiore che purtroppo non ha potuto giocare a biliardo ma comunque si è svagato a ping pong... L'unica pecca è che la zona 167 di Scarlino è puramente residenziale quindi per qualsiasi cosa occorre prendere la macchina ma per il resto ci siamo parecchio divertiti! spero di poterci tornare il prossimo agosto...

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO , to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Cbattilocch-Pft B, 24/08/2015
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Place and very beautiful house! Clean, and the lady was very nice and helpful!
Posto e casa molto belli! Pulito, e la signora è molto gentile e disponibile!

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Nadia B, 17/08/2015
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The place is a haven. The view with the distant sea, calm, terrace and small garden beautifully landscaped, turtles, cats ... The owner is very nice and took the time we arrived to explain the walks to do. The rental is simple but comfortable. I recommend this beautiful place.
L'endroit est un havre de paix. La vue avec la mer au loin, le calme, la terrasse et le petit jardin joliment aménagés, les tortues, les chats...La propriétaire est très gentille et a pris le temps à notre arrivée de nous expliquer les balades à faire. La location est simple mais confortable. Je recommande ce bel endroit.

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Giuseppe M, 10/08/2015
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Apartment new and comfortable, equipped with all the facilities, suitable for 4 people. The bathroom is a bit 'small, but has a tub with shower. There is a large, comfortable box. Located on a hill 200 meters, in a very quiet area, it is about 9 km from the beaches but you can easily reach by car as the roads are beautiful and low traffic. The owner is a very polite and helpful. I recommend the apartment to anyone who wants to take a vacation away from the crowds and from the machines.
Appartamento nuovo e confortevole, dotato di tutti i servizi, adatto per 4 persone. Il bagno è un po' piccolo, ma dispone di una doccia con idromassaggio. È disponibile un grande e comodo box. Situato in collina a 200 metri, in una zona molto tranquilla, dista circa 9 Km dalle spiagge che però si raggiungo facilmente in auto dato che le strade sono belle e poco trafficate. La proprietaria è una persona molto cortese e disponibile. Consiglio l'appartamento a chi vuole fare una vacanza lontano dalla folla e dalle macchine.

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Joseph T, 09/08/2015
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The apartment is on the ground floor of 4 family apartments.
It is very tasteful and very well equipped, and you can park your car on the steps of the front door.
In the heat, if ventilation is well managed, the apartment stays fresh throughout the day.
There is no terrace for eating outdoors (damage), on reflection I should not have to hesitate to take the apartment upstairs for ? 100 more to take advantage of an additional outside space.
Only downside is that the game space and jacuzzi are on the floor of the upstairs apartment and we could not enjoy it as much as we would have liked for the sake of not not wanting to disturb his tenants during their stay.
Nothing is within walking distance, always taking the car: it is the counterpart of a quiet and relaxing corner.
The owner is very helpful. They are a good recommendation of the entire village (along the village has only 800 inhabitants except during holidays).

L'appartement est situé au RDC de 4 appartements familiaux. Il est de très bon goût et très bien équipé, et on peut garer sa voiture sur le pas de la porte d'entrée. En pleine canicule, si la ventilation est bien gérée, l'appartement reste frais tout au long de la journée. Il n'y a pas de terrasse pour manger à l'extérieur (dommage), après réflexion je n'aurai pas dû hésiter à prendre l'appartement du dessus pour 100 € de plus pour profiter d'un espace extérieur supplémentaire. Seul bémol, c'est que l'espace de jeu et le jacuzzi sont à l'étage de l'appartement du dessus et que l'on n'a pas pu en profiter autant que nous l'aurions voulu, par souci de ne pas vouloir déranger ses locataires pendant leur séjour. Rien n'est accessible à pied, il faut toujours prendre la voiture: c'est la contrepartie d'un coin tranquille et reposant. Les propriétaire sont très serviables. Ils sont une bonne recommandation du village entier ( en même temps le village ne compte que 800 habitants hors période de vacances).

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO , to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Cristina B, 07/08/2015
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Lovely place, great views from the terrace. The owner, very kind, gave us a lot of information. Very comfortable holiday home in quiet. Nearby beautiful coves and beautiful sea. Nice holiday.
Posto incantevole, vista stupenda dal terrazzo. La proprietaria, gentilissima, ci ha dato molte informazioni. Casa vacanze molto confortevole in posto tranquillo. Nei dintorni bellissime insenature e mare stupendo. Bella vacanza.

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Sandra L, 07/08/2015
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Great location for excursions also inland. Quiet (except sometimes in the morning to cut grass and pick up trash). The veranda with garden tub and pool are fantastic! Even the interiors are very spacious and comfortable. Nothing is missing! Ms Stella is very helpful. The only drawback might be sharing spaces with other tenants. We were lucky and we found people quiet and nice, but it was not so, maybe would hurt a bit 'negatively on our vacation. We are a family with three children ... However great holiday!
Ottima posizione per effettuare delle escursioni anche verso l'entroterra. Zona tranquilla (tranne qualche volta la mattina per il taglio erba e il ritiro spazzatura). La veranda con giardino e piscina idromassaggio sono fantastici! Anche gli spazi interni sono molto spaziosi e comodi. Non manca niente! La sig.ra Stella è molto disponibile. L'unico neo potrebbe essere la condivisione degli spazi esterni con gli altri affittuari. Noi siamo stati fortunati ed abbiamo trovato gente tranquilla e simpatica, ma non fosse stato così, magari avrebbe influito un po' negativamente sulla nostra vacanza. Siamo una famiglia con tre figli... Comunque ottime vacanze!

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Alberto S, 30/07/2015
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Lovely house, great owner, great vacation. Thank you.
Ottima casa, proprietario eccellente, bella vacanza. Grazie.

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Giulia G, 02/09/2014
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I can only express favorable opinions on the 'apartment and cleaning. And 'situated in a quiet area, fully equipped and spacious. The friendly owners. A vacation to repeat.
Non posso che esprimere pareri favorevoli sull' appartamento e sulla pulizia. E' situato in una zona tranquillissima, perfettamente accessoriato e spazioso. I proprietari gentilissimi. Una vacanza da ripetere.

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Debora R, 02/09/2014
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The house is just fantastic, new and very pretty. The area is quiet and very well taken care of! The owner of the house was very nice and helpful! By keeping a consideration for future holidays.
La casa è semplicemente fantastica, nuova e molto carina. La zona è tranquilla e molto ben curata! La proprietaria di casa è stata davvero molto gentile e disponibile! Da tenere un considerazione per future vacanza.

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Federica G, 29/08/2014
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Apartment new and clean; fantastic panorama. A show dine on the terrace with a view of the sea! L 'hospitality of the hosts and their availability only. If we could we would have a 'other week. We hope to return the 'next year!
Appartamento nuovo e pulito; panorama fantastico. Uno spettacolo cenare sul terrazzo con la vista del mare! L' accoglienza dei padroni di casa e la loro disponibilità unici. Se avessimo potuto avremmo fatto un' altra settimana. Speriamo di tornarci l' anno prossimo!

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
Daniele B, 13/08/2014
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Wonderful! House clean, cozy and tastefully decorated. The spacious veranda, the well-kept garden, ping pong table and hot tub available. The owners were very kind and welcoming. We felt right at home.
Meraviglioso! Casa pulita, accogliente e arredata con buon gusto. La veranda spaziosa, il giardino ben curato, Ping pong e vasca idromassaggio a disposizione. I proprietari sono stati gentilissimi e accoglienti. Ci siamo sentiti come a casa.

Villa apartment Scarlino 2 to 4 people
Rental SCARLINO, to approx. 1.2 mi from Scarlino - Grosseto Province - Tuscany
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26 reviews - Page 1/2