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Monterosso Al Mare holiday rentals for 2 people
Guest reviews for rentals in Monterosso al Mare
4 / 5
86 reviews - Page 4/5
Hans-Reiner Und Josefine K, 27/10/2013
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We stayed at Ca Gialla wonderful and memorable vacation. Our landlord, Roberto Montanari, has proved to be extremely friendly, generous and prudent hosts.

We have encountered a large, bright and very clean apartment, with comfortable beds, spacious bathrooms, weekly clean linen and also even with perfect electronic equipment (Wifi, TV). A small, intimate garden and terrace with fantastic views over the sea and herb for its own use were very pleasant and additional extras that you can not expect anywhere.

We were very pleased with the apartment and will be happy to recommend them!
Wir haben in Ca gialla wunderschöne und unvergessliche Ferien verbracht. Unser Vermieter , Roberto Montanari, hat sich als überaus freundlicher, großzügiger und umsichtiger Gastgeber erwiesen. Wir haben eine große, helle und sehr saubere Wohnung angetroffen, mit bequemen Betten, einem geräumigen Bad, wöchentlich frischer Wäsche und zudem noch mit perfekter elektronischer Ausstattung (Wifi, TV). Ein kleiner, intimer Garten und die Terrasse über dem Meer mit phantastischem Blick und Kräuterbeet zur eigenen Nutzung waren zusätzliche und sehr angenehme Extras, die man nicht überall erwarten kann. Wir waren mit dieser Ferienwohnung sehr zufrieden und werden sie gerne weiterempfehlen!

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Carola B, 09/09/2013
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We have felt very comfortable at Ca 'Gialla - everything as described and nicely decorated. Roberto is a very friendly and helpful host! The figs from his garden unbeatable! The area is ideal for hiking and beach holiday together. A l'anno prossimo - ci vediamo!
Wir haben uns sehr wohl gefuehlt im Ca' Gialla - alles so wie beschrieben und nett ausgestattet. Roberto ist ein ueberaus freundlicher und hilfsbereiter Gastgeber! Die Feigen aus seinem Garten unschlagbar! Die Gegend eignet sich gut für Wanderungen und Strandurlaub zusammen. A l'anno prossimo - ci vediamo!

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Soleine S, 07/08/2013
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Very warm welcome and friendly. Owner present and discreet.
Comfort level apartment fairly simple garden.
View from the terrace below EXTRAORDINARY!
Exceptional location for an EXCELLENT value for money
Accueil très cordial et sympathique. Propriétaire présent et discret. Confort de l'appartement en rez de jardin assez simple. Vue de la terrasse en contrebas EXTRAORDINAIRE !!! Situation exceptionnelle pour un EXCELLENT rapport qualité prix

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Jacques L, 16/03/2013
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M. Montanari, the owner was very welcoming and discreet, we gave our arrival a nice bouquet of mimosa and advice for visiting the Cinque Terre. The location of the apartment is superb, good stay in Liguria.
M. Montanari, le propriétaire a été très accueillant et discret, nous a offert à notre arrivée un joli bouquet de mimosas et conseils pour la visite des cinqueterre. La situation de l'appartement est superbe, bon séjour en Ligurie.

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Laura C, 22/02/2013
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The Yellow House is a love ... A delightful apartment with his garden, where, amongst lavender, rosemary and superb agaves, you can have breakfast in total peace and seclusion. But what's really amazing is the huge terrace a few feet below, a veritable hanging garden which I think were the ancient Babiloni gardens with breathtaking views of the Gulf of Bonassola.
In an atmosphere very romantic we often had dinner by the light of dozens of candles cooking meat grilled on the barbecue with our friends, absolutely enchanted by the fiery sunsets, the moon and the starry sky. Flickering lights of the boats that have defined this place a magical place.
For us, a true paradise.
La casa gialla è un amore... Un appartamentino delizioso con il suo giardinetto dove, tra cespugli di lavanda, rosmarini e superbe agavi, si può fare colazione nella quiete più totale. Ma la cosa veramente straordinaria è la grandissima terrazza pochi metri più sotto: un vero e proprio giardino pensile quale penso siano stati i giardini dell'antica Babiloni con una vista mozzafiato sul golfo di Bonassola. In una atmosfera assolutamente romantica abbiamo spesso cenato al lume di decine e decine di candele cucinando carne alla brace sul barbecue con i nostri amici che, assolutamente incantati dagli infuocati tramonti, dalla luna e dal cielo stellato,.dalle luci tremolanti delle lampare, hanno definito questo posto un luogo magico. Per noi un vero e proprio paradiso.

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Isabella A, 25/11/2012
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We stayed in a wonderful apartment great day. Roberto is a reliable, very friendly and helpful owner, thank you!
Wir haben in einer wunderbaren Wohnung tolle Tag verbracht. Roberto ist ein zuverlässiger, sehr freundlicher und hilfsbereiter Vermieter, danke!

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Christian M, 02/11/2012
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Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Peter C, 25/09/2011
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Besonders schön war Platz der mit der wunderschönen Aussicht Richtung französische Rieviera, Genoa, Livorno und die Aussicht Richtung Korsika.
Der Untergang Sonnenauf-und sie von diesem idylillischen Pätzchen aus phänomal.
Außerdem ist ein Herr Molinari unkomplizierter, sehr freundlicher Vermieter, mit und Tat Rat jederzeit behilflich.
Die Wohnung entspricht dem italienischen Standard.
Die Gegend ist phantastisch.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Peter Conrad
Besonders schön war der Platz mit der wunderschönen Aussicht Richtung französische Rieviera, Genova, Livorno und die Aussicht Richtung Korsika. Der Sonnenauf- und Untergang sie von diesem idylillischen Pätzchen aus phänomal. Ausserdem ist Herr Molinari ein unkomplizierter, sehr freundlicher Vermieter, mit Rat und Tat jederzeit behilflich. Die Wohnung entspricht dem Italienischen Standard. Die Gegend ist phantastisch. Mit freundlichen Grüssen Peter Conrad

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Sieglinde Z, 05/08/2011
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The accommodation is very clean and cozy. We have seen from the terrace has never been so beautiful sunsets - a dream Bonassola After the walk takes 25 minutes and 40 minutes after Levanto!. Proper footwear is required to Levanto. My husband and I stayed here for a week. We had to make a very good starting point for hikes. After it was very hot in our holiday week, we used the afternoon wunderschünen beach Bonassola. The Cinque Terre, we certainly have not visited for the first time. Particularly noteworthy is the helpfulness and kindness of the landlord 'Roberto "is. Again many thanks to Roberto for his extremely good and valuable tips. In parting, he gave us more of his wonderful garden plants. LG of Sieglinde and Stefan and soon.
Die Unterkunft ist sehr sauber und gemütlich eingerichtet. Wir haben von der Terasse aus noch nie so schöne Sonnenuntergänge beobachten können - ein Traum!!!Nach Bonassola dauert der Fussweg 25 Minuten und nach Levanto 40 Minuten. Gutes Schuhwerk nach Levanto ist jedoch erforderlich. Mein Mann und ich wohnten hier eine Woche. Wir hatten einen sehr guten Ausgangspunkt um Wanderungen zu unternehmen. Nachdem es in unserer Urlaubswoche sehr heiß war, nutzten wir auch nachmittags den wunderschünen Strand von Bonassola. Die Cinque Terre haben wir sicherlich nicht das erste Mal besucht. Besonders zu erwähnen ist die Hilfsbereitschaft und die Liebenswürdigkeit des Vermieters "Roberto". Nochmals herzlichen Dank an Roberto für seine überaus guten und wertvollen Tips. Zum Abschied überreichte er uns noch Pflanzen aus seinem wunderschönem Garten. LG von Sieglinde und Stefan und auf bald.

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Renato R, 16/10/2009
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Small apartment with all comforts and a wonderful panoramic position.
Piccolo appartamento con tutti i confort e in una splendida posizione panoramica.

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Amanda D, 23/08/2009
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A wonderful two weeks in the charming yellow house with it's pretty little garden. The flat is comfortable, a cool haven to return to after a hot day on the beach. The sea views are breathtaking. We enjoyed the walk down to Bonassola in the mornings (it takes approx.15 mins) along the path That winds down to the village amongst charateristic Ligurian houses, olive groves and flowers. Even our two children ((7 & 15) did not mind. However, the walk back up is a little steep Especially in the hot sun. Convenient There is a mini bus service runs frequently and punctually That. From the center of Bonassola and on request drops you right outside the Yellow House. The owner, Roberto is friendly and helpful. He gave us useful tips on the local area and restaurant. We would definitely recommend The Yellow House and hope to return ourselves.
A wonderful two weeks in the charming Casa Gialla with it's pretty little garden. The flat is comfortable, a cool haven to return to after a hot day on the beach. The sea views are breathtaking. We enjoyed the walk down to Bonassola in the mornings (it takes approx.15 mins) along the path that winds down to the village amongst charateristic Ligurian houses, olive groves and flowers. Even our two children ((7 & 15) didn't mind. However, the walk back up is a little steep especially in the hot sun. There is a convenient mini bus service that runs frequently and punctually. From the centre of Bonassola and on request drops you right outside the casa Gialla. The owner, Roberto is friendly and helpful. He gave us useful tips on the local area and trattoria. We would definitely recommend La Casa Gialla and hope to return ourselves.

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Pietro S, 25/06/2009
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The house 'strategically located and very scenic. In it were all the comforts you require for a happy holiday. In addition, the great sympathy and availability 'of the owner, have allowed us to feel at ease.
La casa e' situata in posizione strategica e molto panoramica. In essa erano presenti tutti i confort necessari per trascorrere una lieta vacanza. Inoltre, la grande simpatia e disponibilita' del proprietario, ci hanno permesso di sentirci a nostro agio.

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Klaus K, 02/04/2009
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A fairly inexpensive accommodation for the season with an-
NEM very nice and tried landlord.The location between
Bonassola and Cinue Terre and the exposed position of
House on a promontory overlooking the sea make the
Accommodation at an interesting destination. The only negative point was 6 days of construction work on the plot of land opposite, because it through the morning and evening noise to the idyllic atmosphere was somewhat clouded.

Eine recht preisgünstige Unterkunft für die Nebensaison mit ei- nem sehr netten und bemühten Vermieter.Die Lage zwischen Bonassola und der Cinue Terre sowie die exponierte Lage des Hauses auf einem Vorsprung mit Blick zum Meer machen die Unterkunft zu einem interessanten Reiseziel. Der einzige Negativpunkt waren 6 Tage Bauarbeiten am gegenüberliegenden Gründstück, weil damit durch den morgendlichen und abendlichen Lärm die idyllische Atmosphäre etwas getrübt wurde.

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Giovanna F, 09/01/2009
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Lovely location and quiet.
Posizione incantevole e tranquilla.

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Anja S, 03/11/2008
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We had a lovely stay and can only recommend this property. Who cares not for luxury, but rather peace and quiet, which is exactly right. The house is simple, but tasteful and it's all there, you would need. The house is situated on top of the hillside, from where you have a beautiful view. Bonassola is a quiet place, in our opinion, the ideal starting point to visit the Cinque Terre (direct train). The nearby Levanto is a little more lively and has some restaurants and shops. For real Italian coffee or aperitivo (un-touristy) at reasonable prices, we recommend "Bar Levanto " gave us the tip of the very nice landlord, who provided us with information material / maps and restaurant recommendations.
Grazie Roberto, abbiamo passato una settimana bellissima!
Anja + Cédric
Wir hatten einen sehr schönen Aufenthalt und können diese Unterkunft nur weiter empfehlen. Wer nicht auf Luxus, sondern eher auf Ruhe und Gemütlichkeit achtet, der ist hier genau richtig. Die Wohnung ist zwar einfach, dafür aber geschmackvoll eingerichtet und es ist alles da, was man braucht. Das Haus liegt etwas oben am Hang gelegen, von wo aus man einen wunderschönen Ausblick hat. Bonassola ist ein ruhiger Ort, unserer Meinung nach der ideale Ausgangspunkt, um die Cinque Terre zu besichtigen (direkte Zugverbindung). Das nahe gelegene Levanto ist etwas lebhafter und bietet einige Restaurants und Geschäfte. Zum echten italienischen Caffè oder Aperitivo zu günstigen (untouristischen) Preisen empfehlen wir die "Bar Levanto" Den Tipp gab uns der sehr nette Vermieter, der uns auch mit Infomaterial/Wanderkarten und Restaurantempfehlungen versorgte. Grazie Roberto, abbiamo passato una settimana bellissima! Anja + Cédric

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Danièle Et Jean-Jacques G, 03/11/2008
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We were immediately charmed by the quaint apartment, nicely decorated and well maintained. The house is situated in a quiet location with a beautiful view. It's nice, after a walk, ending up in the garden and well equipped. The home owner, Roberto, is warm. It is available, always ready to give advice and to ensure that your stay is the best possible. It's the little extra that makes you feel good in this quiet corner, close "Cinque Terre ".
Nous avons tout de suite été charmés par le coquet appartement, joliment décoré et bien entretenu. La maison est située dans un endroit calme, avec une vue magnifique. C'est agréable, après une marche, de se retrouver dans le jardin fleuri et bien équipé. L'accueil du propriétaire, Roberto, est chaleureux. Il est disponible, toujours prêt à donner de bons conseils et veille à ce que votre séjour se passe le mieux possible. C'est le petit plus qui fait que l'on se sent bien dans ce petit coin tranquille, tout près des "Cinque Terre".

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Fred K, 09/10/2008
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Cozy, cozy apartment with garden in a unique location. Same as hiking in Cinque Terra, but MUCH quieter.
Gezellig,sfeervol appartement met tuin op een unieke locatie. Dezelfde wandelmogelijkheden als in Cinque Terra, maar dan VEEL rustiger.

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Annick P, 24/09/2008
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Apartment simply furnished but functional and very pleasant with a small garden well equipped (table, parasol, chairs).
Roberto is a friendly owner who tries to make your stay as pleasant as possible, while keeping the necessary discretion.
Fortunately the location has a private parking needed in this area where it is extremely difficult to park.
The house is well situated between Levanto and Bonassola and very well placed to visit the villages of Cinque Terre by train from Levanto.
Appartement aménagé simplement mais fonctionnel et très agréable à vivre avec un petit jardin bien équipé (table, parasol, chaises longues). Roberto est un propriétaire accueillant qui cherche à rendre votre séjour le plus agréable possible, tout en gardant la discrétion nécessaire. La location dispose heureusement d'une place de parking privé indispensable dans ce secteur où il est extrêmement difficile de stationner. La maison est bien située entre Bonassola et Levanto et très bien placée pour visiter les villages des Cinqueterre en train au départ de Levanto.

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Silvia D, 11/08/2008
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Me and my family we were delighted to stay Bonassola. The house is nice and the owner is friendly and very welcoming. The house is not luxurious, but comfortable, there's everything you need and (icing on the cake) Mr. Montanari provides all the household linen and changes every week ... It is ideal accommodation for a family with 2 children: there is a beautiful garden like that, even if the apartment is not great, the children can play outdoors. Going to the beach is not a problem even if the house is by the sea, but a few hundred meters above sea level, in the car you get to the beach (and the country) in about ten minutes, and those who do not want to pollute can take the minibus stop which is next to the house or take a walk of half an hour (the path is a bit 'steep, but paved and pedestrian-friendly. My 4 year old son did it without problems down and return at home we took the minibus ...)
Least but not last, the geographical location is excellent, the area is beautiful for lovers of the sea as for lovers of hiking trails.
Lo e la mia famiglia siamo stati contentissimi del soggiorno a Bonassola. La casa è simpatica e il propietario è gentilissimo e molto accogliente. La casa non è lussuosa, ma confortevole, c'è tutto ciò che serve e (ciliegia sulla torta) il signor Montanari fornisce tutta la biancheria per la casa e la cambia ogni settimana... È un'ottima sistemazione per una famiglia con 2 bambini: c'è infatti un bel giardino così, anche se l'appartamento non è grandissimo, i bimbi possono giocare all'aperto. Andare in spiaggia non è un problema anche se la casa non è in riva al mare, ma a un centinaio di metri sul il livello del mare, in auto si arriva alla spiagga (e al paese) in una decina di minuti e coloro che non vogliono inquinare possono prendere il minibus la cui fermata è affianco alla casa o fare una passeggiata di una mezzoretta (il sentiero è un po' ripido, ma asfaltato e riservato ai pedoni. Mio figlio di 4 anni lo faceva senza problemi in discesa e per ritornare a casa prendevamo il minibus...) Least but not last, la situazione geografica è eccellente, la regione è bellissima per gli amanti del mare come per gli amanti dei sentieri escursionistici.

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
Christian W, 04/08/2008
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Great apartment on the ground floor - there is no direct view of the sea, but the cozy garden makes up for all! Bonassola's off to a good 15 minutes downhill to Bonassola, you can return - if you will - take the hourly moving bus. Bonassolas beach is in our opinion one of the nicest in the area - a pure beach holiday because nothing stands in the way. But hikers get their money - Bonassola is an appropriate starting point for pleasant walks. The apartment is nicely decorated and all the necessary things are available, the owner Roberto is one word and deed to the side and gives valuable tips on eating, shopping, hiking, etc. It was a great trip, thank you Roberto!
Tolle Wohnung im Erdgeschoss - es gibt zwar keinen direkten Blick aufs Meer, aber der gemütliche Garten macht das allemal wett! Nach Bonassola geht's in gut 15 Minuten bergab nach Bonassola, retour kann man - wenn man will - den stündlich fahrenden Bus nehmen. Bonassolas Strand ist unserer Meinung nach einer der Schönsten in der Gegend - einem reinen Badeurlaub steht da nichts mehr im Weg. Doch auch Wanderer kommen auf ihre Rechnung - Bonassola ist ein geeigneter Ausgangspunkt für gemütliche Wanderungen. Die Wohnung ist nett eingerichtet und alle notwendigen Dinge sind vorhanden, Der Vermieter Roberto steht einem mit Rat und Tat zur Seite und gibt wertvolle Tipps bezüglich Essen, Einkauf, Wanderungen, usw. Es war ein toller Urlaub, danke Roberto!

Villa apartment Bonassola 2 to 4 people
Rental Bonassola, to approx. 0.6 mi from Bonassola - La Spezia Province - Liguria
4 / 5
86 reviews - Page 4/5