Aosta Province mountain and ski rentals
Guest reviews for rentals in Aosta Province
4 / 5
88 reviews - Page 4/5
Barbara F, 15/08/2016
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Extraordinary! I do not know what adjective to use. Romina and her husband made us feel at home ours, people are a rare kindness and availability to find and I guarantee that in 20 summer holidays in the Alps my experience on the matter is not trivial.
The house is located in the village sylvie les fleurs, just below the stack, at about 1400 meters above sea level.
Albert is the one bedroom apartment we occupied. Also important is the cleanliness of the premises that are absolutely excellent. extraordinary view of Aosta and the snowy mountains. Quiet and reserved, the two-room Albert has a small front garden with table, chairs, umbrella and chairs. Romina is a lady of excellent and generous home, often there was a tribute to his farm of fruits and vegetables because in the period when we went they had availability. We already miss the maison Sylvie. Thanks again. Barbara and Michele from Florence. Ps: my little Sophie York was welcomed unreservedly and this is another point in favor :-)
Straordinario! Non so quale aggettivo usare. Romina e suo marito ci hanno fatto sentire a casa nostra, sono persone di una gentilezza e disponibilità rare da trovare e vi garantisco che in 20 vacanze estive sulle alpi la mia esperienza in merito non è di poco conto. La maison sylvie si trova in località les fleurs, poco sotto pila, a circa 1400 metri di altitudine. Albert è il bilocale che abbiamo occupato. Rilevante è anche la pulizia dei locali che sono assolutamente eccellenti. Vista straordinaria su Aosta e le montagne innevate. Silenzioso e riservato, il bilocale Albert ha davanti un piccolo giardino attrezzato con tavolo, sedie, ombrellone e sdraio. Romina è una padrona di casa eccellente e generosa, sovente ci faceva omaggio di frutta e verdura del suo podere perché nel periodo in cui siamo andati ne aveva disponibilità. Ci manca già la maison Sylvie. Grazie ancora. Barbara e Michele da Firenze. Ps: Sophie il mio piccolo York è stata accolta senza riserve e questo è un altro punto a favore :-)
Marielle P, 10/08/2016
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This location is recommended both for its very typical character of ancient mountain farm completely renovated with materials of very good quality and excellent taste for decoration.
This brand new apartment is very pleasant, spacious, comfortable and convenient to use. The location in a small hamlet provides a relaxing atmosphere.
As for the home of the owner, one can only be extremely satisfied. Claudia is very welcoming (welcome cake on arrival), concerned the proper conduct of our stay and watch a perfect guide to inform us about the possible walks and interesting excursions .From addition, she speaks French perfectly well what greatly simplifies trade. The atmosphere is quite conducive to the success of a very pleasant stay.
We therefore recommend this accommodation to any person passionate mountain in beautiful surroundings, not to mention the size warmth.
Cette location est à recommander à la fois pour son caractère très typique d'ancienne ferme de montagne complètement rénovée avec des matériaux de très bonne qualité et d’excellent goût pour la décoration. Cet appartement tout neuf est très agréable à vivre , spacieux , confortable et commode d'utilisation . La localisation dans un petit hameau assure un calme reposant . Quant à l’accueil de la propriétaire , on ne peut qu'en être extrêmement satisfait . Claudia est très accueillante ( gâteau de bienvenue à l'arrivée ) , soucieuse du bon déroulement de notre séjour et se montre un guide parfait pour nous renseigner sur les randonnées possibles ou les excursions intéressantes .De plus , elle parle parfaitement bien le Français ce qui simplifie grandement les échanges . L'ambiance est tout à fait propice au bon déroulement d'un séjour fort agréable . Nous recommandons donc cet hébergement pour toute personne passionnée de montagne dans un cadre magnifique , sans oublier la dimension chaleur humaine .

Apartment Aosta 1 to 6 people
Rental AOSTA, to approx. 3.7 mi from Aosta - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Sylvie B, 03/07/2016
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We spent a wonderful week in this apartment. Very clean, spacious, nice ...
Claudia is a lovely person, helpful and smiling, speaking good French.

And the most beautiful area.
We highly recommend this property (and the restaurant Alpe Rebelle a little higher in the valley)
Nous avons passé une semaine superbe dans cet appartement. Très propre, vaste, agréable... Claudia est une personne charmante, serviable et souriante, parlant bien français. Et de plus la région magnifique. Nous recommandons vivement cette location (ainsi que le restaurant l'Alpe Rebelle un peu plus haut dans la vallée)

Apartment Bionaz 3 to 4 people
Rental Bionaz - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Sebastien C, 06/03/2016
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Accommodation complies fully with the announcement. The owner sent us a lease by mail: rare! On foot we went to the lifts and the village all week without problems. The interior lacked nothing except a microphone and a wavy largest coffee ... for French! People on nice place and a wonderful resort.
Logement conforme en tous points à l'annonce. La propriétaire nous a envoyé un bail par courrier : rare ! A pieds nous sommes allés aux remontées et dans le village toute la semaine sans problème. L'intérieur ne manquait de rien si ce n'est un micro ondés et un cafetière plus grande...pour français ! Des gens sur place sympas et une station magnifique.

Villa apartment Courmayeur 2 to 5 people
Rental Courmayeur - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Sergio M, 02/03/2016
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All positive, both as location not far from the ski lifts and as a type conforms exactly to the description ...
Tutto positivo, sia come posizione poco distante dagli impianti di risalita sia come tipologia esattamente conforme alla descrizione... Complimenti

Villa apartment Courmayeur 2 to 5 people
Rental Courmayeur - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Daniela P, 06/01/2016
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The ad accurately reflects reality. Owners very kind and hospitable. On foot you can make beautiful walks and then with the snow 'was all spectacular. Perfect place for both children and pets. I will definitely
L'annuncio rispecchia esattamente la realtà . Proprietari gentilissimi e ospitali . A piedi si possono fare delle bellissime passeggiate e poi con la neve è' stato tutto spettacolare . Posto perfetto sia per i bambini che per gli amici a quattro zampe . Ci tornerò sicuramente

Apartment Bionaz 3 to 4 people
Rental Bionaz - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Marina B, 10/09/2015
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Vens village as charming as the host of the owner. Strategic point for beautiful hikes. Very comfortable house with lots of comfort. We plan to return.
Paesino vens incantevole come l'accoglienza della proprietaria. Punto strategico per bellissime escursioni. Casa molto confortevole con molte comodità. Pensiamo di ritornare.

Chalet apartment Saint Nicolas 2 to 4 people
Rental Saint Nicolas, to approx. 5 mi from Saint Nicolas - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Donato P, 08/09/2015
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Great accommodation large and very functional and equipped with everything you need including linens tablecloths and towels. Owners very friendly and helpful. Experience definitely be redone and to recommend to friends because we had a great time.
Ottimo alloggio ampio e molto funzionale nonché corredato di tutto il necessario comprese le lenzuola il tovagliato e gli asciugamani. Proprietari molto gentili e disponibili. Esperienza sicuramente da rifare e da consigliare agli amici perché ci siamo trovati benissimo.

Apartment La Salle 2 to 5 people
Rental La Salle - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Giancarlo R, 22/08/2015
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Location fantastic and the owner very kind and helpful.
The apartment has availability of outdoor courtyard and sheltered from the elements.
The only drawback the base of the beds a little 'uncomfortable and the kitchen table lower than the chairs.
Apartment ideal for relaxation and excursions of different levels literally "out of the door ".
Locazione fantastica e proprietaria gentilissima e disponibile. L'appartamento ha disponibilità di cortile all'aperto e riparato da intemperie. Unico neo la base dei letti un po' scomoda e il tavolo da cucina basso rispetto alle sedie. Appartamento ideale per relax ed escursioni di diverso livello letteralmente "fuori di porta".

Chalet apartment Saint Nicolas 2 to 4 people
Rental Saint Nicolas, to approx. 5 mi from Saint Nicolas - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Giampaolo P, 04/08/2015
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Beautiful apartment on two floors, very clean with two bathrooms, living area and kitchen. I highly recommend it for the exquisite courtesy of the owner.
Bell'appartamento disposto su due piani, molto pulito con doppi servizi igienici, zona giorno e cucina attrezzata. Lo consiglio vivamente anche per la squisita gentilezza della proprietaria.

Apartment Aosta 1 to 6 people
Rental AOSTA, to approx. 3.7 mi from Aosta - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Isaline P, 15/07/2015
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Comfortable cottage, warm welcome by the very friendly owner, very good documentation,
We had a good stay.
Gite tout confort, chaleureux, accueil par la propriétaire très convivial, très bonne documentation, Nous avons passé un très bon séjour.

Chalet apartment Saint Nicolas 2 to 4 people
Rental Saint Nicolas, to approx. 5 mi from Saint Nicolas - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Dominique C, 16/01/2015
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The place is exceptional for a beautiful view of the surrounding high peaks and around the city of Aosta. Its location near a gondola station eventually allows not to use the car during the stay (as to reach the Pila ski station down to Aosta). Besides skiing or walking, the area is full of all kinds of possible activities, making the stay more attractive.

The owners, who live on the ground floor are very welcoming and helpful (if you need something, you ask them and they will do anything to please).

The accommodation is very nice and provided all the necessary equipment to to feel very at ease during the stay. One small problem: the precise announcement that the bathroom is a low ceiling, and the location of the bath is such that those who have a serious back or hip will certainly refrain from showering.
L'endroit est exceptionnel pour admirer la vue sur les hautes cimes environnantes et les alentours de la ville d’Aoste. Sa situation près d’une station de télécabine permet éventuellement de ne pas utiliser la voiture pendant le séjour (autant pour atteindre la station de ski de Pila que pour descendre à Aoste). Outre le ski ou les balades, la région regorge de toutes sortes d’activités possibles, rendant le séjour plus attrayant. Les propriétaires, qui résident au rez de chaussée, sont très accueillants et serviables (si vous avez besoin de quelque chose, vous le leur demandez et ils feront tout pour vous satisfaire). Le logement est très agréable et fourni de tout le matériel nécessaire pour s’y sentir très à son aise pendant le séjour. Un petit bémol : l'annonce précise que la salle de bain est basse de plafond, et l’emplacement de la baignoire est tel que ceux qui ont un grave problème de dos ou de hanche devront certainement s’abstenir de se doucher.

Chalet apartment Pila 2 to 6 people
Rental Pila - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Eugenia G, 22/10/2014
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Hemos semana en el pasado an apartment que está en la planta superior. Es muy acogedor, limpio y unas vistas with espectaculares sobre el valle de Aosta, la ciudad y las montañas. Es perfecto para una familia de cuatro personas. Ivana superatenta es, en todo dispuesta time to inform with de todas las posibilidades Ofrece que el valle y las Áreas the Rodean ya que cualquier solventar mínimo problem que pueda haber. A fuerte abrazo. Eugenia
Hemos pasado una semana en el apartamento que está en la planta superior. Es muy acogedor, limpio y con unas vistas espectaculares sobre el valle de Aosta, la ciudad y las montañas. Es perfecto para una familia de cuatro personas. Ivana es superatenta, dispuesta en todo momento a informar de todas las posibilidades que ofrece el valle y las áreas que le rodean y a solventar cualquier mínimo problema que pueda haber. Un fuerte abrazo. Eugenia

Villa apartment Aosta 1 to 4 people
Rental Aosta - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Sabina B, 04/09/2014
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Two weeks have been beautiful, very nice house, very well furnished, the owners friendly and nice. I hope to return.
Sono state due settimane bellissime, casa molto bella, arredata molto bene, proprietari gentili e simpatici. Spero di ritornare.

Apartment La Salle 2 to 5 people
Rental La Salle - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Monica D, 18/08/2014
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We stayed for 10 nights in the attic. All conform to the description. We were greeted warmly by the owners who have been very friendly, caring and generous. Thanks Ivana and Remo: to meet again soon !!!
Andrea, Monica and family
Siamo stati per 10 notti nell'appartamento mansardato. Tutto conforme alla descrizione. Siamo stati accolti cordialmente dai proprietari che si sono rivelati molto amichevoli, premurosi e generosi. Grazie Ivana e Remo: a presto rivederci!!! Andrea, Monica e famiglia

Villa apartment Aosta 1 to 4 people
Rental Aosta - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Boubour J, 18/08/2014
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Accueil très cordial des propriétaires. The location complies était à notre careful. Tout était propre et agréable. Bon confort et très bien situé. Nous sommes enchantés de notre séjour recommandons nous et nos amis à cette location.
Accueil très chaleureux des propriétaires. La location était conforme à notre attente. Tout était propre et agréable. Bon confort et très bien situé. Nous sommes enchantés de notre séjour et nous recommandons cette location à nos amis.

Villa apartment Aosta 1 to 4 people
Rental Aosta - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Roger R, 21/07/2014
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Rent loft very well equipped, comfortable, lots of space, it feels good. The owners are very surly and we were received with great kindness and always ready to serve us, have given us excellent restaurants.
Beautiful balcony view of Aosta, a real pleasure. We expect to return.
Location grenier très bien aménagé, confortable, beaucoup de place de rangement, on s'y sent bien. Les propriétaires sont très avenants et nous ont reçus avec beaucoup de gentillesse et toujours prêts à nous rendre service, nous ont indiqués d'excellents restaurants. Très belle vue du balcon sur Aoste, un vrai plaisir. Nous pensons y revenir.

Villa apartment Aosta 1 to 4 people
Rental Aosta - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Gérard F, 06/06/2014
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Ms. Pellissier, his son and his wife are very friendly and helpful, did not even ask me any deposit or surety and more we left without them trusting us. Beautiful region with castles and Mont Blanc + speaks French. We surely come back.
Mme Pellissier, son fils et son épouse sont très sympas et serviables, ne m'ont même pas demandé ni arrhes, ni caution et de plus nous sommes partis en leur absence en nous faisant confiance. Région superbe avec châteaux et mont-blanc + parle français. Nous reviendrons surement.

Apartment La Salle 2 to 5 people
Rental La Salle - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Dario F, 06/09/2013
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Beautiful attic on the hill of Aosta, in a strategic location, away from traffic, yet close to town and amenities.
It was also easy to reach the various valleys for hiking.
Housing spacious, clean with all the comforts and hosts friendly and helpful!
The recommend and plan to return soon.
Dario and Antonella
Bella mansarda sulla collina di Aosta, in posizione strategica, lontana dal traffico, ma vicina al centro abitato e alle comodità. È stato facile anche raggiungere le varie vallate per le escursioni. Abitazione spaziosa, pulita con tutta i comfort e padroni di casa gentili e disponibili! La consigliamo e ci contiamo di tornarci al più presto. Dario e Antonella

Villa apartment Aosta 1 to 4 people
Rental Aosta - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
Marcello B, 20/08/2013
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We stayed in the small but cozy attic (there were 3 with a small dog) over to the apartment of Mrs. Ivana, among other things, very helpful and kind. Mrs. Chatrian addition to welcoming us with bottle of sparkling wine and sweets of welcome, we also greeted at the start with a cup of coffee at his home.
The house is in a great location, and from the balcony you can enjoy a beautiful view over the city of Aosta.
We were happy and would recommend it to everyone.
Abbiamo soggiornato nella piccola ma accogliente mansarda (eravamo in 3 con un piccolo cane) sopra all'appartamento della signora Ivana, tra l'altro molto disponibile e gentile. La signora Chatrian oltre ad averci accolto con bottiglia di spumante e dolcetti di benvenuto, ci ha anche salutato alla partenza con un caffè presso la sua abitazione. La casa è in un ottima posizione, e dal balcone si gode di una bellissima vista sulla città di Aosta. Siamo rimasti contenti e lo consiglio a tutti.

Villa apartment Aosta 1 to 4 people
Rental Aosta - Aosta Province - Aosta Valley
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