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Badesi holiday rentals
Guest reviews for rentals in Badesi
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119 reviews - Page 2/6
Mastrotto R, 07/10/2015
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Finally an apartment clean and complete of all, perfect location for holiday with children. Thanks go to Mrs. Eleanor always friendly and helpful to our every request, I hope to return again next year.
Finalmente un appartamento pulito e completo di tutto, posizione ideale per vacanza con bambini. Un ringraziamento va alla signora Eleonora sempre gentile e disponibile ad ogni nostra richiesta, spero di tornare anche il prossimo anno.
Daniela B, 04/08/2015
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The house is very comfortable, clean and decorated in a simple but cured by the owner; There are two bathrooms and a spacious and bright kitchen. It is comfortable with outdoor shower, BBQ, furnished verandas and fresh. The silence reigns except the screech of cicadas. And 'it immersed in a Mediterranean nature unspoiled and beautiful. The house is located within walking distance of a sandy beach so undeveloped that seems private. Not far away there is a well stocked supermarket and with good prices. The village of Badesi finally is simple, non-touristy, but cute.
La casa è veramente comoda, pulita e arredata in modo semplice ma curato direttamente dalla proprietaria; ci sono due bagni e una cucina ampia e luminosa. In esterno è comodissima con la doccia, il barbecue, una veranda arredata e fresca. Il silenzio regna sovrano salvo lo stridere delle cicale. E' immersa in una natura mediterranea incontaminata e bellissima. La casa si trova a pochi passi da una spiaggia di sabbia talmente poco frequentata che sembra privata. A poca distanza c'è un supermercato molto fornito e con buoni prezzi. Il paese di Badesi infine è semplice, poco turistico, ma carino.

House Badesi 1 to 6 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 2.5 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Jean-Michel S, 25/09/2014
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Perfect location. Description too. One small problem: Shower not live up to the lease. Booths too small. And electrical circuit breaker problem of the two showers running. Put that aside, no complaints. But overall satisfied.
Location parfaite. Descriptif aussi. Seul petit souci: douche pas à la hauteur de la location. Cabines trop petites. Et problème de disjoncteur électrique des les deux douches en fonction. Mis ça à part, rien à redire. Mais dans l'ensemble satisfait.

House Badesi 1 to 6 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 2.5 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Elena R, 01/07/2014
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A very comfortable home nestled in a private estate of several hectares of forest in the Mediterranean, practically untouched. The sea can be reached by a short walk in the park itself and the long beach available - within 15 days of my stay - I've never seen other swimmers: truly a miracle!
The location, in my opinion, is suitable for those who love solitude and meditative look at a real rest from the urban rhythms. I suggest to the very kind owner buying a dishwasher, which would make it even more absolute rest. However, I've solved with paper tableware ......
Una casa molto confortevole immersa in una proprietà privata di vari ettari, di bosco a macchia mediterranea, praticamente incontaminato. Il mare si raggiunge con una breve passeggiata all'interno del parco stesso e sulla lunga spiaggia a disposizione - nei 15 giorni della mia permanenza - non ho mai visto altri bagnanti: davvero un miracolo! La location, a mio giudizio, è adatta a chi ama la solitudine meditativa e cerca un vero riposo dai ritmi urbani. Suggerisco alla gentilissima proprietaria l'acquisto di una lavastoviglie, che renderebbe ancora più assoluto il riposo. Io comunque ho ovviato con stoviglie di carta ......

House Badesi 1 to 6 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 2.5 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Leila K, 06/10/2013
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Very nice, lonely cottage, surrounded by nature, just before the dunes on the north coast.

We enjoyed the stay as it was quiet and relaxed. For our little boy, two years it was pure freedom and so much to discover in nature.

Very convenient is the sea, with the highest 5-minute walk through the dunes.

The house itself is very cozy and is fully equipped. The beds are good, but we were only three, so we can not judge all beds.

In any case, the house looks much better in real life as if like on the pictures. You can not see that it is built in the middle of nature.

The open kitchen with dining and living room is very tastefully decorated and is next to the terrace as the beautiful center. Here, the food also like! The bathroom is equipped for the intended purpose, but unfortunately no bath.

The only negative is perhaps the dirt road leading to the house. You drive in the middle of the prairie for 4 minutes. The little car, nothing happened, so I can say in the aftermath that the road has even been fun.It felt like in the jungle before ...

The good thing about this way was that you saw no one, heard or encountered. Above all, the sea and the beach section has given us almost heard, as we have discovered in the 10 days (September), only two lonely fisherman.

Conclusion: Lone top. We will come back!
Sehr schönes, einsames Ferienhaus, mitten in der Natur, kurz vor der Dünen an der Nordküste. Wir haben den Aufenthalt sehr genossen, da es ruhig und entspannt war. Für unseren kleinen Sohn, zwei Jahre war es Freiheit pur und vieles in der Natur zu entdecken. Sehr günstig gelegen ist das Meer, mit höchsten 5 Gehminuten, über die Dünen. Das Ferienhaus selber ist sehr gemütlich eingerichtet und ist voll ausgestattet. Die Betten sind gut, aber wir waren nur zu dritt, so dass wir nicht alle Betten beurteilen können. Auf jeden Fall schaut das Haus in echt viel besser aus, als wie auf den Bilder. Man kann nicht erkennen, dass es mitten in der Natur gebaut ist. Die offene Küche, mit Eß- und Wohnzimmer ist sehr geschmackvoll eingerichtet und gilt neben der Terrasse als schöner Mittelpunkt. Hier kocht man auch gerne! Das Badezimmer ist dem Zweck entsprechend eingerichtet, jedoch leider ohne Badewanne. Einziger negativer Punkt ist vielleicht der Schotterweg, der zum Haus führt. Man fährt mitten in der Prärie für 4 Minuten. Dem kleinen Mietwagen ist nichts passiert, daher kann ich im Nachgang sagen, dass der Weg sogar Spass gemacht hat. Man kam sich wie im Jungel vor... Das gute an diesem Weg war, dass man niemand gesehen, gehört oder begegnet ist. Vor allem hat uns der Meer und der Strandabschnitt fast gehört, da wir in den 10 Tagen (September) nur zwei einsame Fischer entdeckt haben. Fazit: Einsame spitze. Wir kommen gerne wieder!

House Badesi 1 to 6 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 2.5 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Alberto D, 16/09/2013
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Villa totally in line with the description given (and maybe even a little 'better).
Owner very helpful, responded immediately to a problem, then proved easy to manage.
Villa totalmente in linea con la descrizione fatta (e forse anche un po' meglio). Proprietaria molto disponibile, intervenuta immediatamente per un problema, poi rivelatosi di facile gestione.

House Badesi 1 to 6 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 2.5 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Debora B, 16/09/2013
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The villa is very nice, new and well maintained; bha 2 bathrooms, so it is convenient to prepare after a day at the beach.
On the beach you come up with a little walk, and the great thing is to have a practically deserted beach (August 15th we were practically alone), as it must necessarily pass to get from the driveway. I will definitely return.
La villa è molto bella, nuova e ben tenuta; bha 2 bagni, quindi risulta comodo prepararsi dopo una giornata di mare. In spiaggia si arriva con una piccola passeggiata, ed il bello è avere una spiaggia praticamente deserta (il 15 agosto eravamo praticamente soli), in quanto per arrivarci occorre per forza passare dal vialetto privato. Ci tornerò sicuramente.

House Badesi 1 to 6 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 2.5 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Miguel S, 06/08/2013
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The owner has been very attentive and has always responded quickly to any questions, which is appreciated.
The location of the property is very nice and we've been pretty quiet.
La propietaria ha sido muy atenta y ha respondido siempre muy rápido a cualquier consulta, lo cual es de agradecer. La ubicación de la finca es muy bonita y hemos estado bastante tranquilos.

House Badesi 1 to 2 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 0.6 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Alan M, 05/08/2013
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The house is cozy and surrounded by a discreet green property. The view from the veranda on the first floor is breathtaking, and the house is just 4 km from the sea (about 5 minutes by car). Baden is ideal for relaxing or as a base for any trips to the beaches of northern Sardinia.
The owner was incredibly helpful and friendly ... they were all so renters!
La villetta è accogliente ed immersa in una discreta proprietà  verde. La vista dalla veranda del primo piano è mozzafiato, e la casa dista solo 4 km dal mare (circa 5 minuti di macchina). Badesi è l'ideale per rilassarsi, oppure fare da base per eventuali gite per le numerose spiagge del nord Sardegna. La proprietaria è stata incredibilmente disponibile e gentile... fossero tutti così gli affittuari!

House Badesi 1 to 2 people
Rental Badesi, to approx. 0.6 mi from Badesi - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Ilaria S, 18/06/2012
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Very nice location in a village with many flowers in a quiet area close to the beach and well equipped with everything.
Molto graziosa l'ubicazione all'interno di un villaggio con tanti fiori in una zona tranquilla e silenziosa, vicino al mare e ben fornito di tutto.
Chiara M, 20/08/2009
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Jeanette J, 26/10/2008
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Nice apartment with a good location. Neat, clean and fully equipped. Communicating with the owner comes despite the lack of reasonable english. They are in this area are not used to tourists, but are very helpful and interested. The houses are (except this one) are all owned by Italians. It is therefore really a holiday among the Italians, awesome! The village has Badesi except the necessary stores little to offer, but is centrally located on the north coast. Beautiful beach and great point to Sardinia to discover.
Fijn appartement met een goede ligging. Netjes, schoon en van alle gemakken voorzien. Het communiceren met de eigenaresse gaat ondanks het gebrekkige engels redelijk. Ze zijn in deze omgeving niet gewend aan toeristen, maar zijn erg behulpzaam en belangstellend. De vakantiewoningen zijn (behalve deze) allemaal eigendom van Italianen. Het is hierdoor echt een vakantie onder de Italianen, geweldig!! Het dorpje Badesi heeft behalve de noodzakelijke winkels weinig te bieden, maar ligt centraal aan de noordkust. Mooi strand en prima punt om Sardinië te ontdekken.
Rad & Sak X, 26/08/2008
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Obrecht B, 28/06/2021
We spent ten very pleasant days in Susanna's house. It is situated in walking distance to both beaches as well as everything you need in terms of shops, restaurants etc. The house was very clean and had everything we needed for our stay. We spent memorable evenings on the terrace with its great view. Susanna is a very friendly, welcoming host who was always there to help. We hope to be back.

Villa apartment Isola Rossa 2 to 4 people
Rental Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
John M, 23/10/2007
The apartment is in an outstanding location overlooking the sea and harbor. We ate as many meals as possible on the terrace enjoying the view. The location is a very good base for exploring the area by car and markets and restaurants are very close. I appreciated the emails I exchanged with Fernando and his daughter who were very helpfull and accomodating. We will be sure to return sometime in the future.

Villa apartment Isola Rossa 2 to 4 people
Rental PADULEDDA, to approx. 0.6 mi from Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Antonino F, 14/10/2024
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Very convenient apartment for beach service. Ideal for 2 people
Unfortunately there is no mirror in the house, but all in all it can be accommodated. The owner is very kind and helpful. The town is very welcoming and characteristic. We will definitely return.
Appartamento molto comodo per il servizio spiaggia. Ideale per 2 persone Purtroppo manca uno specchio in casa,ma tutto sommato ci può stare . Proprietaria molto gentile e disponibile. Paese molto accogliente e caratteristico. Sicuramente ritorneremo.

Apartment Isola Rossa 2 to 4 people
Rental Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Giovanna Colella C, 09/08/2023
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We stayed between 7/22/2023 - 8/5/2023. The apartment complies with what is described in the announcement, very fresh, to close the windows at night (as someone else wrote in another review). Excellent location: close to the port beach and the main commercial services. The bathroom is Czech but the extractor fan works great. The shower is also very comfortable. I confirm that it is possible to take 4 showers in a row for 4 people despite the fact that there is a boiler for hot water.
In the morning you wake up with the smell of the sea, perhaps a little windy for some, but Isola Rossa is not as windy as other areas of Sardinia.

We thank the owners for their hospitality and courtesy.
We hope to return next year.

Abbiamo soggiornato nel periodo 22/7/2023 - 5/8/2023. L'appartamento è conforme a quanto decritto nell'annuncio, molto fresco, da chiudere i vetri di notte (come scriveva qualcun altro in altra recensione). Ottima la posizione: vicina alla spiaggia del porto e ai principali servizi commerciali. Il bagno è ceco ma l'aspiratore funziona benissimo. La doccia poi è comodissima. Confermo che si riescono a fare 4 docce di seguito in 4 persone nonostante ci sia il boiler per l'acqua calda. La mattina ti svegli con l'odore del mare, forse per alcuni un po' ventoso, ma Isola Rossa non è così ventosa come altre zone della Sardegna. Ringraziamo i proprietari per l'ospitalità e la cortesia. Speriamo di ritornarci l'anno prossimo. Giovanna

Apartment Isola Rossa 2 to 5 people
Rental Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Emanuela B, 12/07/2023
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We stayed for a week in Mr. Fernando and we really enjoyed it, the house is located in a quiet but convenient location, close to the beaches and the town of Isola Rossa, both can be reached in less than five minutes. The house is practical and functional, the only flaw is the small bathroom. The view from the garden is super, we admired beautiful sunsets over the sea. We will definitely be back if we get the chance!
Abbiamo soggiornato per una settimana nella casa del sig. Fernando e siamo stati veramente bene, la casa si trova in una posizione tranquilla ma comoda, vicina alle spiagge ed al paese di Isola Rossa, in meno di cinque minuti si raggiungono entrambi. La casa è pratica e funzionale, l’unica pecca è il bagno un po’ piccolo. La vista dal giardino di casa è super, abbiamo ammirato dei bellissimi tramonti sul mare. Se avremo l’occasione torneremo sicuramente!

Villa apartment Isola Rossa 2 to 4 people
Rental PADULEDDA, to approx. 0.6 mi from Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
Stefania B, 15/09/2022
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Perfect home for a family and friends.
Clean, tidy nothing was missing.
Great location. In the small town center there was everything, two foodstuffs post newsstand .. in short, I can only give full marks to this house because I found the right habitat for a SUPER holiday.
Casa perfetta ad un nucleo di famiglia amici. Pulita, ordinata non mancava nulla. Ottima posizione. Nel centro piccolo del paese c’era tutto, due alimentari posta edicola .. insomma non posso che dare il punteggio pieno a questa casa perché ho trovato l habitat adatto per una vacanza SUPER.

House Castelsardo 5 to 9 people
Rental Tergu, to approx. 4.4 mi from Castelsardo - Sassari Province - Sardinia
Marta A, 24/08/2022
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Very nice and comfortable house. We rented it for a week and were very happy with it. We didn't even suffer from the heat. Its location is excellent, in a very quiet area of Isola Rossa which faces the small port of the town and from which you can reach the beach on foot. In addition, the owners were very kind and helpful. Definitely to be repeated!
Casa molto carina e confortevole. L'abbiamo affittata per una settimana e siamo rimasti molto soddisfatti. Non abbiamo sofferto neanche il caldo. La sua posizione è ottima, in una zona dell'Isola Rossa molto tranquilla che risulta di fronte al piccolo porto della cittadina e da cui si può raggiungere la spiaggia a piedi. Inoltre i proprietari sono stati molto gentili e disponibili. Sicuramente da ripetere!

Apartment Isola Rossa 2 to 5 people
Rental Isola Rossa - Olbia Tempio Province - Sardinia
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