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Rimini holiday rentals
Guest reviews for rentals in Rimini
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Francesca A, 24/07/2013
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House very clean, conveniently close to the beach with outdoor tables and rocking, always available bikes, just 5 km there is a huge shopping center, owner always available. The highly recommend it.
Casa pulitissima, comoda alla spiaggia, dotata di tavolini esterni e dondolo, sempre a disposizione le biciclette, a soli 5 km c'è un grandissimo centro commerciale, proprietario sempre disponibile. La consiglio caldamente.

Villa apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 2 to 4 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Stefano B, 15/07/2013
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Great welcome, Ms. Ilene is really very helpful and caring.
Apartment clean and in excellent condition.
Very convenient for people like me who had a stroller is strategically located with all amenities close at hand.
I can only add that I hope to return as soon as possible.
Ottima accoglienza, la signora Ilenia è veramente molto disponibile e premurosa. Appartamento pulito e in ottime condizioni. Molto comodo per chi come me aveva un passeggino è situato in posizione strategica con tutte le comodità a portata di mano. Posso solo aggiungere che spero di ritornarci il prima possibile.

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 6 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Fracesco O, 08/07/2013
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We were on vacation myself, my wife and my two children aged 1 and 3 years and I must say that we enjoyed our stay, the apartment was very clean and had all the amenities you need for those with small children as the pharmacy and a mini market next to being on the ground floor and also for those who are equipped with strollers is the ideal!
It is located in the main avenue of Igea marina, came away very busy but not overly ...
Definitely to be recommended!
Siamo stati in vacanza io, mia moglie e i miei due bambini di 1 e 3 anni e devo dire che ci siamo trovati molto bene; l'appartamento era molto pulito e aveva tutte le comodità che necessitano per chi ha bimbi piccoli come la parafarmacia e un mini market a fianco ed inoltre essendo al piano terra per chi è munito di passeggini è l'ideale! Si trova nel viale principale di Igea marina, via molto fornita ma non esageratamente trafficata... Da consigliare assolutamente!

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 6 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Cinzia G, 04/06/2013
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Very kind people, the house very clean and with everything you need. We loved it and recommend it.
Persone gentilissime, la casa molto pulita e con tutto quello che serve. Ci siamo trovati molto bene e la consigliamo.

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 6 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Marco D, 02/05/2013
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It was a pleasure to stay in this apartment just 50 meters far from the beach.
Apartment in perfect condition, recently renovated, new windows (!), Large, bright, extremely comfortable, complete with everything you could need during your stay: gas cooker with oven, autonomous boiler (and in this cold week the end of April is helpful), washing machine, tv hd and DVD player that those who have small children will appreciate in times of need.
Wanting to find a nit, just lacking a microwave but for the rest to us.
The master bedroom even more bright single, has two large patio doors leading onto the large balcony facing the sea. And equally large is the balcony of the large living room open to the kitchen made, living room where there is also a "giant " sofa / bed.
Just below the house there is a supermarket, and not far other commercial activities.

Last, but not least, the owner very kind and willing to welcome us to check in on time for the most unusual.

Nothing else to say, except that ... HIGHLY RECOMMEND THISAPARTMENT.
È stato un piacere soggiornare in questo appartamento a 50 mt scarsi dalla spiaggia. Appartamento in perfetto stato, recentemente ristrutturato, infissi nuovi (!), ampio , luminoso, estremamente confortevole, completo di tutto ciò di cui si possa avere bisogno durante la permanenza: cucina a gas completa di forno, caldaia autonoma (e in questa fredda settimana di fine aprile é stata utile), lavatrice, tv hd e lettore DVD che chi ha figli piccolo apprezzerà particolarmente nei momenti di bisogno. Volendo cercare un pelo nell'uovo, mancherebbe giusto un microonde, ma per il resto c'è tutto. Le camera matrimoniale ancora piu luminosa della singola, ha due ampie porte finestre che danno sul grande balcone fronte mare. E ugualmente ampio é il balcone del grande soggiorno aperto sulla cucina resa abitabile, soggiorno in cui si trova anche il "gigantesco" divano/letto. Esattamente sotto casa c'è un supermercato, e poco distante le altre attivitá commerciali. Ultima, ma non ultima, la proprietaria gentilissima e disponibile ad accoglierci per il check in in orario inusuale per i più. Nulla altro da dire, se non che...CONSIGLIAMO VIVAMENTE QUESTO APPARTAMENTO.

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 6 people
Rental Bellaria igea marina, to approx. 1.2 mi from Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Gloria M, 17/06/2012
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Owner very helpful. Close to the sea. Road evening walk with shops and comfortable.
Proprietaria molto disponibile. Vicinissimo al mare. Su strada di passeggio serale e con negozi comodi.

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 12 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Giorgio B, 20/12/2011
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We are a couple with 4 children at the age 1/3/5/6 as a result we have some practical needs are important to us. For example, convenient access to a stroller, the child safety (pedestrian area), proximity to the sea, awareness not to disturb the roommates, app. ground floor. These are just a few reasons that have enabled us to spend a few days happy and serene. So much so that we wanted to spend a week later also in August, too bad for anything we were booking in advance. In the future, if we decide for a holiday in Igea Marina know where to go. We recommend it to all families because the money is good quality, such as the availability, acceptance, kindness, and not least cleaning.
Siamo una coppia con 4 bambini di anni 1/3/5/6 di conseguenza abbiamo alcune esigenze pratiche per noi importanti. Per esempio un accesso comodo con passeggino, la sicurezza per i bambini (zona pedonale), vicinanza al mare, consapevolezza di non disturbare i coinquilini, app. pianterreno. Questi solo alcuni motivi che ci hanno permesso di trascorrere alcuni giorni felici e sereni. Tanto che volevamo in seguito trascorrere una settimana anche ad agosto, peccato che per un niente siamo stati anticipati nella prenotazione. In futuro se decideremo per una vacanza ad Igea Marina sappiamo dove andare. Lo consigliamo a tutte le famiglie perchè la qualita-prezzo è buona, come la disponibilità, accoglienza, gentilezza e non meno importante la pulizia.

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 6 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Peter L, 04/08/2011
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We had a very peaceful and happy holidays. Best was that we had internet connection. We were also glad that we. Towards the sea, we were able to pull back into the green, where it was nice and cool All in all, it was a very nice holiday.
Wir hatten sehr ruhige und schöne Ferien. Top war auch, dass wir Internetverbindung hatten. Wir waren auch froh, dass wir nach dem Meer, uns ins grüne zurück ziehen konnten, wo es schön kühl war. Alles in allem, es waren sehr schöne Ferien.

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 12 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Loris S, 31/07/2011
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The house is as presented in the photos. Found clean and in good condition. Owners friendly and attentive to requests. Recommended.
La casa è come presentata dalle foto. Trovato pulita e in ottime condizioni. Proprietari gentili e attenti a richieste. Da consigliare.

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 12 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Laura P, 04/07/2011
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Apartment very comfortable and well kept.
Appartamento molto confortevole e ben tenuto.

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 12 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Luisa D, 25/02/2011
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Unfortunately our holiday has been reduced to only a few hours due to an urgent family matter ... time to drop off your luggage and take a walk already 'had to leave.
What I can say is that the house is comfortable and spacious and is located right on the promenade.
Within walking distance there are the mini-pharmacy, restaurants and bars and of course the beach!
The owner was really helpful and kind and understanding!
Strongly recommended!
Purtroppo la nostra vacanza si è ridotta a solo poche ore a causa di un problema familiare urgente... il tempo di scaricare i bagagli e fare una passeggiata che gia' dovevamo ripartire. Quello che posso dire è che la casa è comoda e spaziosa e si trova proprio sulla passeggiata. A pochi passi ci sono dal minimarket alla farmacia, a ristoranti e bar oltre naturalmente alla spiaggia!!! Il proprietario è stato veramente disponibile e gentile e comprensivo!!! Fortemente raccomandato!

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 12 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Jean Francois V, 29/10/2010
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Owner very nice and simple, I saw on the first day and the last.
The apartment is on the pedestrian area of ??the world and bumpy asses noise at night, but after 1am is calm. All trade in the street, we will return next year to the same place.
Propriétaire très sympa et simple, je l'ai vue le premier jour et le dernier. L'appartement ce trouve sur une zone piétonne asses mouvementé du monde et bruit le soir, mais après 1heure du matin c'est le calme. Tous commerce dans la rue, nous repartirons l'année prochaine au même endroit.

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 12 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Nadia U, 02/07/2010
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Everything was perfect apartment, environment, home owners etc ...
Tout était parfait: appartement, environnement, accueil des propriétaires etc...

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 12 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Giusi C, 10/08/2009
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The house was exactly as described in the ad vacaze .... the owners very friendly and the place ottmo to spend a good holiday.
La casa vacaze era esattamente come descritta nell'annuncio....i proprietari molto cordiali e il luogo ottmo per trascorrere delle buone vacanze.

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 12 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
Corinne D, 21/07/2009
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We only stayed two days in this location yet super well located, very nice accommodation, can eat on the terrace and storage room, good beds, free beach nearby.
But the owner (just below) was that our dog was barking too (it was a dog in front, we do practically nothing saying) in fact he did not want a tenant, his daughter is in the process of dying ...
People who occupied the rental we found an apartment in Cervia, they were great!
Nous ne sommes restés que 2 jours dans cette location pourtant super bien située ; logement très agréable, possibilité de manger sur la terrasse ; chambre et rangement ; bons lits ; plage libre non loin. Mais le propriétaire (juste en dessous) trouvait que notre chien aboyait trop (c'était un chien en face, le notre ne disant pratiquement rien) ; en fait il ne voulait pas de locataire, sa fille étant en train de décéder... Les personnes qui s'occupaient de la location nous ont trouvé un appartement à Cervia ; ils ont été supers !

Apartment Bellaria Igea Marina 1 to 12 people
Rental Bellaria Igea Marina - Rimini Province - Emilia-Romagna
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